In my last missive, I discussed how to become counterpower. Today, I want to acknowledge that indoctrination is unavoidable. The question becomes: Which doctrine shall we invite into our ways of seeing, being, and becoming?
Indoctrination. The word leaves a bitterness on the tongue. I have already written unpleasant things about ideology—specifically, ideology that justifies the domination, subordination, and manipulation required for an empire. Yet, we can be under no illusions. The Grey Robes must be committed to a doctrine.
To maintain our order, we must incorporate our siblings. Doctrine represents the first few rungs of Jacob’s Ladder. Learning Grey Robes doctrine and practice is our sutra. Our tantra comes later. In any case, there can be no solidarity without ideology. Yet, we must be more than ideologues. We must be active practitioners of the right and the good as we understand it—radiative self-sovereigns and collaborators in solidarity.
Still, understanding starts with doctrine.
The Twelve Dimensions become both viruses and inoculations. Put differently, genes are to geneplexes as memes are to memeplexes. As genes form these cooperative networks with other genes. One gene is devoted to eye color, another to eye shape, and another to the retinae, all of which make for functional interplay. Geneplexes are like orchestras where each gene plays its part in harmony with others to create complex traits and behaviors.
Similarly, when memes—discrete ideas or messages—cluster together in mutually supporting groups, we call these memeplexes. Think of how beliefs and ideas form interconnected systems. Ideas about morality, ritual, community, and the All reinforce each other.
And they will for us. They must.
For if they don’t, we will surely succumb to the Takers.
One of the ways to avoid indoctrination is by entering a different dangerous territory- sacralization.
A sacred text does not create doctrine- because it is open to interpretation, even interpretation that undermines the original intent. It still creates a community, as they circle the text.
I speak only of text because that is what I'm familiar with in Judaism. But I imagine spaces, times and rituals are equally potent.
Notice that the dynamism gained in sacralization is at the expense of clarity in doctrine.
So I guess this is me agreeing.