Hi Max I appreciate all that you wrote above and I understand how you (and others) associate destruction with the masculine and from some perspectives it makes total sense. Specially if associated with violence. Testosterone infused - or initiated - destruction has a very different quality to the naturally occurring(and equally powerful) progesterone infused destruction. The flow as feminine obviously makes total sense as this is the nature of women. Never static always in flow (process). But the alternating movement of the flow is "construction" and "destruction", and this destruction has the flavour of "surrender". Like Autumn that just can't help it but to loose it's leaves and "destroy" the fruits that have fallen to the ground. I guess what I am saying is that I appreciate and agree with the movement and occillatory pattern you propose and yet, if I am to bring this pattern all the way into the body - which I'd say we need to - the flavour of destruction I see as being tremendously needed in our time is the one that both women and men haven't learned to embrace. The destruction that lets things rot, so they can die and then move into the next phase of the creative process. The "active" destruction I see our culture doing quite a lot of and many times in the "wrong" moments. The destruction I speak of has a quality of undoing that is scary for most of us, modern folks. In a "microcosm" kind of way, PMS is the nickname culture has given to women's and men's resistance to the deconstruction pattern that is naturally occurring in the female body/mind.

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Beautifully said and insightful, Adriana. I have been wrestling with this balance along with head-heart-gut alignment.

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