"This race of apes became cunning and powerful enough to destroy itself." ... And maybe, just maybe, cunning and powerful enough to learn from their mistakes, and to use that quill to write down what they learned, to teach future generations of clever apes. And possibly with enough centuries of learning and teaching, possibly smart and powerful enough to figure out that peace and non-violence and voluntary cooperation make everyone in every tribe better off in the long run. And who knows, maybe someday they will learn enough to leave their blue planet and modest star... and venture out in into the vastness of the universe, and unlock all the secrets of how it all began...
"This race of apes became cunning and powerful enough to destroy itself." ... And maybe, just maybe, cunning and powerful enough to learn from their mistakes, and to use that quill to write down what they learned, to teach future generations of clever apes. And possibly with enough centuries of learning and teaching, possibly smart and powerful enough to figure out that peace and non-violence and voluntary cooperation make everyone in every tribe better off in the long run. And who knows, maybe someday they will learn enough to leave their blue planet and modest star... and venture out in into the vastness of the universe, and unlock all the secrets of how it all began...