MAx, thank you for this excellent read. Very difficult subject to explain in any shape or form but a very balanced read. It reminded me of the book 'The Philosopher's Secret Fire' by Patrick Harpur. I'm not normally good as suggesting a book because books are so subjective but it's a fantastic read.

I would add that it has always stayed with me the difference between priests and prophets (scientific or religious), the priest preaches other people's theories but the prophet is the embodiment of the prophetic vision, he lives it every day and so people experience it by just being in his presence even if he doesn't speak.

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Thank you, sir.

I'm officially curious about the Harpur book and appreciate the distinction between priests and prophets you have laid out here. I think it softens my treatment of priests in this context, too. I have cast the priest in perhaps too narrow a role here, but I actually agree that a healthy priesthood serves a quite important function if that function is not solely to shore up the power of an institution.

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Hi Max, you’re welcome, I had so many bookmarks in the book it wouldn’t fit in the book shelf!

What I would say about ‘priests’ is in psychological terms they constellate the archetype of the ‘magician’. We have to be very aware of all aspects of the magician.

This archetype is primarily about the use of information/knowledge. It can be:

1. In balance, where the information/knowledge is used in service of the community.

Out of balance, where the shadow side of it is using the knowledge/information to manipulate.

For example, years ago, with my parents I was in a small church in the village where my dad was born The priest read out the list of money that each family had given that day in the donation box. I remember the feeling in the church. Awful shame for everyone. No one had lots of money. This is full-on manipulation, use of information in order to shame for gain. Out of balance magician (priest).

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First, that story of the priest in your village... that would send me running. That's an interesting anecdote. It would be better if he had just been transparent about the church's finances.

Second, re: Harpur. I got this and started reading. More updates soon. (Thank you.)

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MAx, transparent about church finance's, I love the idealist in you.

And glad you followed up on it. Looking forward to hearing about it.

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